Fishing Tournament
Schedule of Events
Sponsored by Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions
Proceeds from the RCASF Annual Fishing Tournament will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the IGFA Junior Anglers Program and the RCASF.
July 19
Registration, Reception + Captain's Meeting
TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION Sponsored by Crown Roof TileCheeca Lodge - Bougainvillea Ballroom I
Welcome Dinner, Cheeca LodgeCo-Sponsored by GAF Hydro Coatings and Weatherguard Roofing & WaterproofingThe Islamorada Ballroom, Cheeca Lodge
KID'S MOVIE NIGHT UNDER THE STARSSponsored by PSI RoofingSunrise Ballroom, Cheeca Lodge
MANDATORY CAPTAIN'S MEETINGSponsored by Broadstreet GlobalHibiscus Meeting Room, Cheeca Lodge

July 20
Fishing Tournament
ANGLER COFFEE Sponsored by Latite RoofingCheeca Lodge Lobby
FISHING TOURNAMENT - LINES OUT OF THE WATER 3:30pm!Fishing hours are 6:30 am to 3:30 pm. Lines out of water 3:30pm! The hours for the weigh-in are from 3:30 pm to 5pm. You must log in your time of arrival at the dock with the weigh master, even if your fish cannot be weighed at that time. Teams bringing fish in coolers from other locations must be physically checked in with the weigh master (including the fish to be weighed) by 4:00pm. The logged time will determine the winner in the event of a tie. The Weigh-in is from 3:30pm-5pm on Pioneer Beach, Cheeca Lodge. Anglers must report to Erica Bergeron Izquierdo by 4pm!
HEAD BOATSponsored by Polyglass.Departs promptly at 8am on the Miss Islamorada out of Bud N Mary’s Marina. Head Boat pricing is $50 adult and $25 child under 15 plus RCASF Fishing Tournament Angler Registration. Reminder: Ensure fish are marked for tournament purposes. Don’t clean any fish that will be entered in the tournament.
WEIGH INPioneer Beach, Cheeca LodgeAnglers Must Check in to Erica Izquierdo by 4pm.Let's celebrate Island Style! Check out the catch of the day! Enjoy live music!
Dinner & Auction, Cheeca LodgeCo-Sponsored by Tropical Roofing Products & Suncoast Roofers SupplyThe Islamorada Ballroom, Cheeca Lodge
July 21
Awards Breakfast Celebration
AWARDS CEREMONY & BREAKFASTSponsored by ABC SupplyThe Islamorada Ballroom, Cheeca LodgeAs a friendly reminder, please be mindful that check out time is 11am at Cheeca Lodge.