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RCASF Member
Join the Roofing Contractors Association of South Florida, and see how your business can grow.
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RCASF strives to encourage and foster a feeling of friendship and cooperation among members. We endeavor to provide educational information that may be useful to members. We seek to maintain a high standard of business ethics and conduct among members and to encourage such feelings among all others associated with the roofing industry.
“Miami-Dade Product Control sincerely appreciates the dedication and professionalism of the RCASF. For those of us that serve the public interest, it is very important to have access to such an important group that brings together the best of the Roofing Industry in South Florida. The efforts and integrity of its members for our community as well as the Roofing Industry is a tremendous benefit to all of us who call South Florida home.” - Jorge L. Acebo, Roofing Product Control Examiner Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resource